Online Digital Literacy Training from Teachers College, Columbia University
Explore the Course Curriculum
There are four modules within the curriculum. After completing each module, you will need to submit stages of your inquiry on Digital Literacy, as well as an ‘action’ piece created using some of the tools and technology you may choose to implement in your classroom.
After this module, participants will be able to:- Articulate how literacy, learning, and pedagogical approaches are changing as a result of technological innovations.
- Explain why digital literacies matter for 21st century learning.
- Summarize learning theories and make connections to digital literacies/learning in the classroom.
- Develop a line of inquiry to sustain pedagogy and interest in digital learning across the academic year.
After this module, participants will be able to:
- Compare and contrast the affordances of educational tools and technology that promotes inquiry, collaboration, accessibility, multimodal production and the curation of student learning.
- Explore the purpose and application of digital tools, apps and platforms that can support the tenets of 21st century teaching and learning.
- Identify digital tools, apps and platforms that you can incorporate in the classroom.
After this module, participants will be able to:
- Examine theoretical frameworks that help identify areas of your practice and existing curricula to integrate digital tools and technology.
- Analyze traditional teaching practices and strategies for opportunities to foster digital literacies in the classroom.
- Develop lesson plans that incorporate digital tools to foster creativity, position students as producers of digital content and support collaborative learning.
- Understand various ways teaching practices can develop the skills required for your students to be an active participant in today’s globalized digital community.
After this module, participants will be able to:
- Design a plan for assessing any student learning that takes place using digital tools and technologies.
- Explore the purpose, application and assessment of digital tools, apps and platforms that can support the tenets of 21st century teaching and learning.
- Advance curriculum development and teaching in the classroom.
Who is this course for?
This course has been developed to help aspiring, preservice and practicing K-8 teachers refine and refresh their teaching practice for the 21st century classroom.
About Teachers College, Columbia University

Founded in 1887, Teachers College, Columbia University, is the first and largest graduate school of education in the United States and is perennially ranked among the nation’s best. Through its three main areas of expertise – education, health and psychology – the College is committed to disciplinary and interdisciplinary research, the preparation of dedicated public service professionals, engagement with local, national and global communities, and informing public policy to create a smarter, healthier, and more equitable and peaceful world. TC today has more than 5,000 students, more than 20 percent of whom come from outside the US, representing 84 different countries. Among students who are U.S. citizens, 45 percent identify as non-Caucasian. There are 171 full-time faculty members at the College. TC’s funded research expenditures in 2015-2016 totaled more than $60 million.
About Teach Away

Teach Away believes a great teacher holds the key to a student’s future success. As the world’s leading provider of international education recruitment services, their core mission is to create a world where every student experiences the power of a great teacher and realizes their full potential because of it.
Believing that all students deserve the highest-quality education, Teach Away wants to help teachers and schools raise the bar for what’s possible with learning. By partnering with top universities and educators all over the world to build professional development courses for teachers, Teach Away is committed to supporting student achievement on a global scale.
About Dr. Detra Price-Dennis

Detra Price-Dennis is an Assistant Professor in Elementary Inclusive Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. As a teacher educator, Price-Dennis focuses her work on transformative literacy pedagogies that seek to create and sustain equitable learning environments for all students. She is interested in the sociopolitical and sociocultural aspects of literacy learning and engagement among middle school students, as well as teacher preparation. Her research interests also include critical perspectives on children’s and young adult literature. Most recently, Price-Dennis received the American Educational Research Association’s Division K Early Career Award for her research record and contribution to the field of teaching and teacher education.